Where: Toronto Rock Athletic Centre (Oakville, ON)
Runs: October 9-10, 2021
Day & Time: Saturday (9am-6pm) & Sunday (9am-4:30pm)
In-N-Out Challenge
The In-N-Out Challenge will be played over the Canadian Thanksgiving long weekend at the world-class Toronto Rock Athletic Centre in Oakville, ON.
The two-day tournament will require teams to compete in box, field, and World Lacrosse Sixes (Olympic rules) gameplay with competition held both indoors on the TRAC’s two turf pads and outdoors on the facility’s impressive artificial turf field.
The recently announced Rock Stars Elite Lacrosse Program as well as other highly skilled clubs will compete in this unique and challenging event. While clubs will be competing in all three versions of the sport, just a single champion will be crowned at each division through a special point system that will take into account team success in box, field, and sixes.
Read the In-N-Out Challenge official announcement.
The point scoring for each period/quarter and full game will be:
1st period: 12 minutes (2 pts)
2nd period: 15 minutes (2 pts)
3rd period: 15 minutes (2 pts)
Full Game: 42 minutes (4pts)
1st half: 22 minutes (2 pts)
2nd half: 22 minutes (2 pts)
Full Game: 44 minutes (6 pts)
1st quarter: 10 minutes (2 pts)
2nd quarter: 10 minutes (2 pts)
3rd quarter: 10 minutes (2 pts)
4th quarter: 10 minutes (2 pts)
Full Game: 40 minutes (2 pts)