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Jamison Dilks

non-photographed player

Name: Jamison Dilks

Role: Coach

Hometown: Hamilton, Ontario

Minor: Hamilton

Junior: Six Nations Arrows and Hamilton Bengals

College: McMaster

Pro: Toronto Rock

In my opinion, the TRAC is the best lacrosse facility in the world. There are so many advantages to TRAC Athletics being connected to the Toronto Rock and this world-class facility. Where else do you get coached by legends like Colin Doyle and Dan Dawson on a daily basis? You just don’t get this level of coaching anywhere else. I really wish I had the opportunity to train and compete here when I was growing up. Being involved in TRAC Athletics is such a big advantage for players trying to make that next step in lacrosse. TRAC Athletics prepares you for your future better than anyone else anywhere. – Jamison Dilks

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